About Mary

Mary is an award winning and best selling author. She is a dynamic force of inspiration, wielding her pen and voice to transform lives through her profound experiences. As a devoted wife, mother, and believer in Christ, Mary has navigated the complexities of life with remarkable resilience after losing her father at the tender age of five. Her journey, marked by adversity—including bullying and domestic violence—has imbued her with wisdom and a sense of purpose that fuels her mission to empower others. Featured on WWBT 12 On Your Side News and Wric 8 News.

This organization focuses on helping people build healthy relationships by learning from past experiences. We provide educational resources and programs to youth, parents, and community groups to help them foster healthy relationships and combat bullying and domestic violence. Our goal is to promote healthy relationships and lifestyle choices.


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We believe that healthy relationships are the foundation of a healthy life. That's why we offer resources and programs that help people cultivate healthy relationships. Our resources are based on biblical and practical strategies.

© 2025 Motivational Mary

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